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Random Scuffed Games #154

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Vorgeschlagen von: Beatdown_TV

Nun, an sich ganz witzig. Besonders das Intro hat mir gut gefallen, nur geplay technisch waren wir die ersten 10 Minuten am long jump gehangen, irgendwo ist im code der Wurm drin (sowohl tastatur, als auch Controller). Irgendwann hat es doch irgendwie geklappt , nur konnte ich die Lösung später nicht reproduzieren.

Witzige Idee, sieht an sich gut aus, erinnert etwas an Rocketbirds, nur sind in beiden stages die gleichen Bosse und es somit wenig variation.

Ansonsten gut umgesetzt und ich mag die Physics im Game. Nur war das mit dem springen wirklich frustrierend.


Dito: 2.2/5

Chat: 2.07/5

Gesamt: 2.14/5

I just look at thos screens and i already love it

You should add some checkpoints.



really bro it's a pretty good game

I really liked this game. Mario with a gun will never not be fun. I think the slow motion and shield techniques feel nice. The difficulty of the game can be kind of steep especially during the boss enemies at the end of levels. Overall all I look forward to seeing what is next!

Check out my video playthrough for more comments! (Timecode 24:39)

the tutorial is impossible

Chrome OS plz and hi archerl286

hey we made a short video about your game!

plz do chrome os

why is there no macos version? :(

Amazing story

wow thats a Good story

Hi when will the full version come out. I'm so excited to play it.

im too


where is the progress bar for the game?


This game was so well made! It looks and plays great!! I just suck at Mario and got super annoyed rather quickly :')! That doesn't take it away from being an exceptional game with a slightly different game mechanic, good job! :D game play starts at 5:03 if interested


Thank you so mush! Glad you liked it.


this is the best mario fan game i have ever played

thank you so much for your kind words!

game for mac, please?


Someday... I will get your secrets. fun game over all, challenging, good design... I WILL FIND YOUR SECRETS... Mario looks good.


So i tried to find all the secrets but eventually i gave up trying to find the last one D:


This hilarious man, nice work


Mario's got some issues...


not bad maybe add some checkpoints? :)

We play this game among a couple of others. Certainly an interesting experience.

No doubt Nintendo will take issue with Mario wielding a gun, and maybe they are right to.

(1 edit)

I gave it a go and left feeling pretty positive on this! The obvious fear that you'll get a C&D before this can ever come to fruition aside, I think you have a lot of potential with this project. I loved the lore leading up (laughed quite a few times) and really enjoyed the levels -- even with the second being very hard. Very rad!

gay luigi


Made a Video on this

really good game i enjoyed thanks for making my day


I appreciate it so much. Glad you liked it.


why is mariop on ice?


Yeah, the running drives me crazy. I feel like I am sliding everywhere.


Well, the physics is implemented in a way to be similar to super Mario bros. 3 as much as possible. If you play that game again, you'll see what I'm talking about.

Oh, ok didn't know that


Pretty tough game.


I made a video in which I play this.


Fast, Lets Download This Before Nintendo, Erase This! XD

Good Game bro


why is this on Itchio? Are you asking Big Daddy Nintendo to shut this down? You know how it's gonna end, dude. 

You should keep stuff like this OFF OFF popularized sites.

I'll get your tombstone ready for the inevitable, godspeed.

( I'll download it now before nintendo drops the nukes ) 

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

🤯 GRAND THEFT MARIO! | Super Mario Untold Stories 🤯

This game was super fun! Don't get me wrong i kept dying...alot...but i loved this! Very well made and i hope to see more in the future! (Also very nice graphics!) 😊


Glad you liked it. 

Nice game. I am using footage of this game in an upcoming video, should be finished this friday.

Cool I'd like to see the video!

This is the video


So i made a spanish video for the game its kinda hard but thats ok :3

Jeje, crei que era el unico que hablaba español aquí

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